What is Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy?

OMPT is a ‘hands-on’ physical therapy treatment provided by a Physical Therapy practitioner who is intuitive and who is highly trained.

Treatment may include

  • Moving joints in an optimal direction at different speeds to regain movement. (mobilizations or manipulations)
  • Muscle lengthening/stretching.
  • Treatments to address Neuromobility and gliding.
  • Muscle Energy Techniques:  Passively moving the affected body part, or having the patient move the body part against the therapists resistance to improve muscle activation and timing and to adjust joint position.
  • Selected soft tissue techniques can also be used to improve the mobility and function of tissues and muscles. These techniques can be trigger point manipulation and include many different types of release techniques.
  • Dry Needling Intramuscular Therapy.  See our write-up for details.

Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy practitioners treat acute and chronic symptomatic conditions in the body regions including the head, neck, back, arms and legs. We also treat post-surgical patients such as Anterior Cruciate Ligament repairs, Rotator Cuff repairs, Cervical or Lumbar disc, or fusion surgeries.  Early, consistent, and skillful manual Physical Therapy combined with exercise and patient education, is central to our practice.

What are some Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy techniques?

Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy to joints and soft tissue may be applied at varying speeds and amplitudes and fall into various broad categories:

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization
  • Massage
  • Joint Mobilization
  • Thrust Manipulation
  • Spinal Manipulation
  • Neuromobilization
  • Manual Stretching
  • Muscle Energy (Activation) Technique
  • Mobilization with Movement
  • Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (such as Graston and Intramuscular Dry Needling)
  • Dry Needling Intramuscular Therapy

What is the cost of this procedure?

Physical Therapy Evaluation (1 hour 15 minutes):  $150.00

Physical Therapy Treatment: (1 hour) $100.00

**INSURANCE COMPANIES WILL PAY FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY, BUT THEY STIPULATE WHAT WE DO, HOW MUCH WE DO, AND HOW LONG WE CAN DO IT.  We often have patients who use insurance until it is no longer covered, (“medically necessary”) and then continue with paying out of pocket.  OR, they decide that they want to make the decisions, along with the therapist, and they just pay out of pocket.


Bodylogic: Integrative Physical Therapy

Advancing the practice of Physical Therapy one patient at a time.
© 2019 Body Logic
2 Weaverville Rd. Suite 101
Woodfin, NC 28804
Phone: 828.424.9290
Fax: 828.417.7103
[email protected]